Wednesday, November 7, 2012

November Gratitude - Day Seven

I am filled with gratitude for my friends.  Old friends, new friends, long distance friends and my just a house away neighbor friends who are the cutest wedding guests ever.

Honestly, there is not a chance that I would have made it to or through the wedding sane without all these dear friends. It takes a village people.

People like Ruth and Penny. Penny altered Marie's gorgeous dress to fit her like a glove as a gift to Marie helping the already stunning Marie take Marc's breath away when he saw her. I just love Penny and her sweet and loving self.

Her daughter Ruth came over and helped me turn Marc's old room into my wonderful new craft/guestroom. She knew I wanted to make it a cozy guestroom for my Aunt Pat who was coming for the wedding. We spent an entire day applying layer after layer of Kilz and paint to cover the blue the room had been. We talked and visited for hours which made the work so much fun but what kind of friend gives you an entire day of painting labor?? A really, really great friend! Unfortunately, Sandy ruined Pat's plans to be here for the wedding but her room is ready as soon as she can visit.

Marie's shower was a labor of love by so many friends both Marie's and mine. It was a gorgeous shower thanks to all the help. One detail I loved so much were the wonderful M's that my friend Maryanne made.

Each M was covered with photos of Marc and Marie for a personalized gift. It was a great shower decoration and they look great in their apartment.

Maryanne didn't start or finish there. She helped me decorate for their engagement party making their "Match Made in Heaven" banner and more. Maryanne volunteers so much of her time to help animals builds fences for chained dogs, fosters and more. I know she was doing all that and working hard on a fundraiser during the time she was helping me but just kept offering more help and support.

So I took her up on it - here she is with Bev filling the honey bear favors for Marc and Marie's wedding.

This picture cracks me up - there's a little Lucy and Ethel going on here that would probably only be funny to us. 130 little bears were filled with sticky, gooey honey somehow.

Some of the honey was from Laura and some was from Trader Joe's since our own hive wasn't doing well. The two honeys made for such a pretty color combination.

Laura's honey is front and center in the pic.

Marie came and helped fill the bears.

I put the labels on their bellies.

Gabby tied twine and a tag around their caps.  The uniform and tidy twine tying should be noted. =D

I wish I'd gotten a picture of them at the reception all lined up on an antique style tray under the poster sized photos that Gabby had taken for Marc and Marie's engagement session.

I wish I'd gotten many other pictures but just didn't have the presence of mind to do it on wedding day.

I am so thankful for these very special friends that came from California for the wedding. Keith Migi and Manik flew most of Friday arriving near midnight to make Saturday morning's wedding. Somehow I didn't scare them away with my scream of delight seeing this gorgeous family walking towards me. We were so blessed to have them here and get to spend time Saturday night and for a bit on Sunday.

Speaking of Sunday, did you know that my crazy hubby ran a marathon? Did you know my crazy neighbors packed up my favorite kiddos WITH SIGNS to cheer him on?

It was chilly waiting but it didn't deter my Feks!

Bev and Shannon came over after saying good bye Trevor, Kelsey and Kate. Then John and Marina came, too.

Chris zipped by us high-fiving Ev and O.

I just love the look on Ev's face.

He has told Chris he wants to run a marathon with him when he's 12.

I could see it happening.

Chris ran past us and to the finish line beating his time last year. Pretty amazing after a blur of a weekend including his son's wedding and hosting two dinners. But that's my Chris.

I love the contrast between John and Marina's NYC look and our not so stylish duds!
After the marathon we went to Marie's parents' house for brunch and present opening. When we returned Keith, Migi and Manik came and visited for just a bit longer. I'm so thankful for friends who are like family, who make the years and the miles disappear with stories and laughter.

My beautiful Sri Lankan Sister!

I am so thankful and so blessed to have these amazing people and more in our lives. The friends who called and wrote and prayed and who are still praying  for Marc and Marie humble me with their kindness and love. I don't know how I'll ever repay all the love and care we've been blessed with but I will do my best.


  1. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
    i am SO glad you mentioned the uniform and neat twine tying.
    tee hee hee.
    LOVE you.
    you have a village because you love and care for us like no one else can.
    you are the greatest chacha EVER.
    the end.

  2. what a perfect post!
    And yay, you blog!!!
    Gorgeous pictures of friends...

  3. You are a cheerleader and you have a great squad of cheerers!
    Yay for Chris for finishing the marathon- way to go man! I am thankful for the 2.5 I run in the morning-!
    I laugh at your pointing out your stylish NY peeps in contrast with our CA transplant casual attire. Comfort wins out for us. :)
    I am enjoying these posts sooo much, I am all warm and fuzzy inside....wait...that's turning into a hot flash.

  4. Gabby - you are the best twine trimmer and best friend!

    Thanks Mara - I'm having fun checking out your blog!

    Laura - you crack me up with the comfort and the hot flash!

    xoxo to all of you!!


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