Thursday, November 22, 2012

November Gratitude - Thanksgiving

Poor Trevor - the turkey did him in and he tried to nap but it was cousin photo time!

Today we were blessed to spend the day with family and new friends enjoying delicious food at Bobby and Bev's house. Bev always hosts Thanksgiving. She honors her own dad's tradition of preparing the huge meal almost completely on her own. Tables are set beautifully, the coffee table is full of appetizers and the entire house smells heavenly.

This year she invited Marie's parents, Jerry and Terri, and Carmen's friends Jessie and Ernesto from divinity school, too.

My pic of Jerry & Terri was totally blurry so instead I'll use this only slightly blurry shot of Marc and Marie celebrating their first Thanksgiving together. =D
I only made a couple of things - dozens of these little gluten free cheese rolls.

And I made a big batch of gluten free corn bread stuffing. Bev bought a giant additive free turkey from Whole Foods (turkey sold with solution and broth can be gluteny) and made delicious gluten free gravy, too.

Bev made not only the turkey, but a ham, stuffing, a citrus flavored yam dish, the most amazing roasted parsnip and carrot dish, bacon and shallot topped green beans, sesame soy topped broccoli, brussel sprouts, a giant vat of mashed potatoes and more.

Shannon helped cook and serve and we had fun helping with the veggies together. Isn't she gorgeous? And so talented, too. She's a middle school art teacher and not surprisingly a very talented artist.

When mom and dad arrived we realized Mom and Carmen were wearing matching blouses.

And Marie and Shannon must have coordinated their dresses. =D

Somehow Bev always looks relaxed and completely pulled together during this entire day of cooking.

I guess I got excited and forgot to take a photo of the buffet but purposely cropped the enormous serving of mashed potatoes that is making Joe smile.

Chris and I sat with Dev, Carmen, Ernesto and Jessie. It was interesting hearing a bit about their experiences at Duke and what their goals were after divinity school.

The desserts were amazing. Terri made the most delicious gluten free pecan pie. I hadn't had pecan pie since before going gluten free and her pie was delicious. Mom brought a gluten free Almond Joy torte which I always love. Marc and Marie made their first pumpkin pie together and I missed trying it but it looked yummy. Carmen's cheesecake with a cookie crust and a caramel and chocolate topping looked awesome - I need to get her recipe and figure out how to make it gluten free because she clearly won't make it gluten free for me. ;-)

Devo and Carmen brought my Fred along and after dinner and dishes he came in to visit with Bobby and Bev's dogs. Fred stole my heart several weeks ago and every time I see him I want to steal him away.

He is the sweetest, most loving pup. I love this pic of Marc and Joe with Fred.

We are blessed beyond measure by our God who has given us our family, our friends, our home and food to share.

Highlight of the drive home is this massive Christmas light display.
Every year it gets bigger and and brighter.

1 comment:

  1. That is so fun! I love the continual praise to God and all He has blessed us with, which is truly un-measureable.
    Glad your Thanksgiving was so fun and relaxed.
    I am so behind in posting. I will try tomorrow when I am off and our sweet company starts dwindling away.....sniff sniff....


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