Thursday, February 9, 2012

Coconut, Pecan & Chocolate Spread!

Trader Joe's has a chocolaty almond spread on the new product shelves and I was so tempted to put it in my cart.  It looked creamy, dark and delicious but there was a bit too much sugar for me so I put it back on the shelf and picked up a couple of ingredients instead.

I had decided to make my own but by the time I got to work I got a little sidetracked thinking about German Chocolate Cake.   That's kind of how my mind works. My spread took a decidedly different turn and it's kind of like German Chocolate Cake on a spoon.  It is not too sweet and it is purposefully not too creamy so it has a little texture like a GCC filling and frosting.

On toast it was a really decadent tasting breakfast. It’s full of healthy coconut, dates and pecans - you could do worse for breakfast!

I prefer a little coconut oil for the health benefits but you don't need to use it if you prefer lower fat treats. My ingredients were raw but toasted pecans would be great, too. I loved it straight from the food processor.  The next morning the flavors had mingled nicely and I thought it was even better.

I think I’ll spread the remainder on an 8” x 8” cake this weekend if I don’t use it for pancakes I'll be making in the morning.    

Coconut, Pecan & Chocolate Spread
Make about 1 ½ cups

In a food processor combine the following:

2/3 Cup Coconut, shredded
1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil
1 Tablespoon Honey
1 Tablespoon Cocoa
1 cup raw Pecan Pieces
6 Dates
Dash Sea Salt

Process until creamy but not entirely pureed. I poured mine into a jar and stored it in the fridge. It hardens up when cool but softens pretty quickly on the counter. Spread on toast, cookies, or whatever you like.



  1. ohmygoodness. how incredible does this look?!?!?

  2. This was dangerously yummy and so healthy that it was devoured completely guilt free! =D

    I'll let you know next time I make a batch!


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