Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Suzie's Pasta with Mint

The photo above was taken in my in-laws' kitchen many years ago and it's an old favorite. I loved that kitchen so much. It was a huge farmhouse kitchen with large wooden beams, a big window looking out to her rose bushes and room for everyone around their very long table.  My mother in law, Suzie, is a wonderful cook. With six children she certainly had plenty of opportunity to master many a recipe. Chris, as is very apparent, loved being home in their kitchen and being spoiled by his mom's French cooking.

The pasta recipe I want to share is one Suzie taught me to make about twenty years ago when she was visiting us in California. It is probably one of the most simple dishes she makes and when she first proposed making it I have to admit I wasn't really sure about it. Mint - in pasta? But one bite won me over.  This dish uses plenty of fresh mint, olive oil and fresh Asagio Parmesan. You can use any type of gluten free pasta you like but I find the corn pasta from Trader Joe's to be one of the best gluten free pastas around.

Last week Chris was working from home and amazingly it was just the two of us home for lunch. The mint in the garden had called out to me and I decided to make Suzie's pasta.

This has to be the fastest pasta you can make. While the pasta is cooking grate some cheese and slice up a handful of fresh mint. Perfect for a fast lunch with a mixed green salad or a Meatless Monday dinner. (Which I've been negligent in posting lately).

We sat out in the garden with our lunch and enjoyed watching the birds at the feeder, the bees buzzing the flowers and each other's company - something we don't have the opportunity to do very often. It was a short lunch but such a nice one.

Suzie's Pasta with Mint

This one is so easy you don't need a real recipe.

In a large pot of boiling water cook one package of gluten free pasta according to directions.

While the pasta is cooking, grate some Asagio Parmesan.  I grated about a cup, maybe a bit more, but the amount is up to you.

Take some fresh mint leaves, wash them and stack them.  Slice them thinly. Use as much as you like. Chris likes about twice as much as the photo shows.

Drain the pasta, drizzle with a little olive oil, add the cheese and mint and toss.  Grind some fresh black pepper on top if you like.

Enjoy it with someone you love!


  1. Hey that looks yummy, I love using mint!.Though I would have to sub something for the parm cheese...maybe I would cover it with raw garlic!

    Heads up! Trader Joe's is discontinuing the Corn Pasta- so order a few cases while the supply lasts and stock up! Sorry for the bad news.....but yay that you have the 'inside scoop'.

  2. Garlic would be great. Maybe some toasted nuts? What do you know about nutritional yeast? I know a lot of people use it for faux cheese but I don't know if it's really a healthy choice since I know nothing of it's processing.

    I am going to make some cashew "cheese" this weekend and see how that flies here. =D

    Thanks for the head's up on the pasta. I really appreciate knowing - it's our favorite.



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