Monday, July 30, 2012

Marc & Marie's Engagement Party

It was a blessing to celebrate Marc and Marie's engagement yesterday. We had an early evening fiesta with our families and a couple of very close friends. 

Gabby took the photo below as one of their official engagement photos recently and this one sets the tone.  

Here's a little peek at our evening which may serve as an explanation of my recent lack of blogging. 

My friend Maryanne was one of the first people we met when we moved here years ago and her son Jake is one of Marc's oldest friends. She sweetly decided on the theme of the party and made this gorgeous banner and helped me with other projects, too.

There were lots and lots of of handmade banners and I made custom labels for wine bottles with another Gabby photo of M&M for them to give to our guests. It was a really easy and fun project.

A peek at the dessert table and yes, the teeny flags for cupcakes to match the banners just might have been a teeny bit of overkill.

Pinterest lead me to these custom match boxes - they made me far happier than they should have. But really - a match made in heaven matchbox? I ordered them from Gracious Bridal. They were wonderful to work with and so fast.

Setting up the tostada buffet - an easy way to accommodate our vegan, vegetarian and omnivore loved ones. See that covered blue bowl - Gabby's mango salsa. Under the foil? A huge amount of Gabby's Cheesy Rice. Don't you love the bucket of flowers complete with their wedding date?? Marie's mom Terri found the buckets and customized them beautifully.

Marie's sister Elizabeth made a custom table runner that decorated the table outside. She also kept me sane through out the night.

Marie's parents gave them a beautiful bench and surprised them by putting it in the garden.Terri and Elizabeth made cards for everyone to fill out date night suggestions.  

The cards were clipped to the tree and I know Evan's suggestions will come in very handy. Maryanne made the flower clips - they were gorgeous.

Marc and Marie testing the bench out.

Oh how I love this girl!

And this boy - oh look at those eyes!

Here's Marie with her family - Jerry, Elizabeth, Marie and Terri. 

Somehow Joe was left out of our family shot but I love this pic with my mom and dad.

Gabby and Mike with my favorite little buddies. A photo of all four of them is rare and Marie did a great job taking this one.

Such a nice evening spent with friends and family and soon to be family. 



  1. it was a perfect night, chacha! you made such a wonderfully THEM party. loved every minute of it-- thanks for letting us be a part of it.

  2. You are one talented lady!! The matchboxes are such a fun addition. This post and party really reflect the love you have for Marc and Marie.

  3. It was a delightful engagement party that the bridal couple will never forget - everything from the darling matchboxes to the gorgeous flower arrangments and clever decorations to the delicious dinner was outstanding and wonderful!!!

  4. Thank you Leah!

    Gabby and Mom, you both did so much to make it a wonderful party. I couldn't have done it without a lot of help.

    Love you!


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