Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday Find - Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay

Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay is 100% Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay. It's an inexpensive facial that really works for me. My friend Laura blogged about it a while back which reminded me to get back in the routine of using it. While I will never have Laura's amazing complexion, I am noticing a huge difference now that I'm using it regularly. It seems to even help with my Rosacea. A couple of times a week I slather some on and let it dry until I look like Yoda. After rinsing my skin glows. It's another awesome naturally gluten free beauty find.

Laura also uses it for bug bites and while we haven't had an "opportunity" to try it for that use I am hopeful it will work well.

Chris thinks it's hysterical every time I use it and asked for a picture this morning. So, because I have no pride, I am sharing our self portrait with you. You may not be able to tell but I'm smiling as big as I can. =D

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Thank you for the nice compliment Sis! You look beautiful even with the Yoda look. We call it the Incredible Hunk look.
    That stuff is great. And any time you want to try out how it works on bug bites and stings, come on over to the farm.
    See ya! YSIC

  2. Incredible Hunk? Cute!

    Someday I'd love to see the farm!



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