Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November Gratitude - Day 6

On Day 6 I am thankful for our family.

For my mom and dad always being here for us even though dad is hiding from the camera above. For my mother in law Suzie and our French family who couldn't be here but were in spirit. For Aunt Pat who planned to be here for the wedding but was derailed by Sandy. For my sister in law Bev and beautiful niece Shannon who, with mom, helped get our house ready for a crowd while we rehearsed on Friday.

For Bev again and again for all her help with so many parts of the wedding preparations and always for her salsa!  For Dev and and his amazing wife Carmen being with us I am so thankful.

For the Marc Muellers in the photo at the top of the page who gathered from all over the east coast to be with us for Marc and Marie's wedding I am thankful.  It had been twelve years since we had all been together. What a gift to have a house full of Muellers if only for a short while.

For Kelsey and Katelyn representing our GA McKernies I am so thankful. Love these beautiful girls and hardly got to see them in the whirlwind of the wedding weekend but having them here with us was wonderful. For Trevor who is photo bombing the photo I am especially thankful as he brought K1 and K2 to us!

For these three smiles I am thankful.

For all the rest of the family who sent love and prayers from other states I am truly grateful.

Photo thanks to Katelyn Soderlund, Josh Stevens and Kelsey McKernie.


  1. Again, love the theme and your ability to express your gratitude for the MOST important things in life.
    I also love that photo too! It should be on a dentists brochure- all those perfect white teeth! :D
    And, we haven't stopped praying you know.

  2. You're so wonderful. Thanks for the prayers. I can't wait to see the photographer's version of all these pics. xoxo


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