Friday, November 9, 2012

November Gratitude - Day Nine

A quiet moment before the wedding together.
Today I am most thankful for the opportunity to homeschool Marc and Joe. We started years ago when Marc was starting sixth grade and Joe was starting kindergarten.  

It wasn't always easy but all of the sudden here we are in our very last year. Every year I have doubted my ability and often still do. But over time I've learned that in spite of me my guys are amazing and have learned so much more than their school subjects. Marc graduated from our school and went on to graduate from college and start his career. He's now a married man with an amazing wife. 

Joe was a Spider-Man and Lego loving kindergartner and is now a young man who continues to astound me. He's so far ahead of me in math that I've been facilitating his learning rather than teaching for a while now. His interests are varied from playing the bass to creating a video game with friends and especially to studying his Bible - his mind is a sponge and he retains everything - everything. It's exciting to think of what he'll do in the future.

Homeschooling is much more than curriculum choices. That's obviously crucial but what's important as I look back is our relationship as a family. Marc and Joe are best friends. I'm not sure if that would have been the case otherwise. With a six year gap they would have been off to different schools and different schedules and different friends.  They love and respect their dad. They look out for me in the sweetest ways. For all of this I am grateful.


  1. I wanted to comment that Joe should grow out his hair like in the previous photo. I like that big head of curls!

    Good job on the homeschooling K! :)

  2. what a fantastic bong... beautiful!

  3. Laura, I wish he would but he likes it short - he had an epic tumbleweed of curls back then.

    Ha! Blog, Mara, Blog! And thank you!



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