Thursday, June 26, 2014

Laura's Chocolate Mousse - Gluten Free and Vegan

Topped with fresh blackberries from my brother and sister in law's garden. Yum!

Another Ode to Laura, this recipe is one she made when she came to visit Marie right after Aiden was born last summer. Sorry it's such a fuzzy shot but I love this one. Aiden was just a tiny peanut here. Laura shared her recipe in this post.  

There are so many recipes I haven't taken the time to blog lately. Life has been busier than it used to be and I've been sharing the computer and desk with my hubby so getting to it isn't always working out. This is one treat that has been a draft for nearly a year so it's time to make it blog official.

I've made it well more than a dozen times since Laura served this but was surprised to find I had actually made it and posted it earlier that year! 

My nephew told me it was already there when I mentioned I had to get it on my blog so he could find it. Oh my gosh, I'm getting old and losing my mind already. 

Check out the filling for my yummy but not so pretty Creamy Chocolate Filled Coconut Whoopie Pies

This is such a great recipe, naturally gluten free and vegan. It takes five minutes to put together, is a great make ahead dessert and everyone loves it. The recipe below is a small tweak from Laura's and from my filling.

Don't you love the way Laura packed them up to serve? I usually use smaller mason jars because I tend to serve these as part of a dessert table.

Because they are rich and creamy, a small serving is satisfying but because it isn't heavy or overly sweet a large serving is perfect, too.

 Laura's Chocolate Mousse - Gluten Free and Vegan

1 Can Full Fat Coconut Milk
1/2 cup (8) Organic Medjool Dates, roughly chopped
1/3 Cup Cocoa or Cacoa Powder
1 teaspoon Vanilla Bean Powder

Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender (I use my Vitamix) or food processor until creamy and well mixed. There will be flecks of dates in the chocolate cream if you use a food processor. 

I like to fill tiny glasses with the mouse, chill and top with raspberries just like Laura when serving.


This recipe has been happily shared on Gluten Free Wednesdays!


  1. Fabulous! Chocolate mousse has always been one of my very favorites! Must make this AND share everywhere. :-) I don't have vanilla powder so I might have to improvise with some vanilla extract and sifted coconut flour. ;-) Love all the other photos, too. Sweet!


  2. You're the best Shirley! Go ahead and use your vanilla extract without any substitutions. It will be perfect. Since I make my own vanilla with GF vodka and vanilla beans I hesitate to use it in a raw recipe. Vanilla bean powder works great in those cases. Thanks for everything! xok

  3. WOW! Thanks for an "Ode to Laura" post! I love that you are mentioning me so much lately. It makes me feel that although I am 3000 miles away (for now) that I am right there in your heart and life. That blesses me beyond measure and swells my heart up real big. :)
    I love this recipe and I can tell you everyone I make it for - without exception - asks for the recipe and loves it. For a nice summer tweak add 1/2 tsp + peppermint oil! Yummers!
    Aww Marie and Aiden! Love to both!
    xoxo Hope to see you soon Sister!

  4. You know you are loved and missed by many here. I think I'm running out of Laura food inspiration so hopefully you'll be less than 3,000 miles away soon. :-)

    Love the idea of peppermint!


  5. I know Laura - they are friends with our old friends from San Diego - the Westbrooks! Hi Laura!


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