Tuesday, November 27, 2012

November Gratitude - Day Twenty Seven

I am ever so thankful for God's traveling mercies today and always. My amazing hubby travels by air on a weekly basis and I am so grateful that each and every week he makes it home safely. Today my Feks flew home from a long and busy visit with family and while their trip home was squishy at times, they made it here safe and sound.

I put together these muffins to drop by as an excuse to get some hugs from my Ev & O and I had to check out O's very first manicure thanks to her Auntie E! Her tiny little nails were different shades of blue and pink - just adorable! 

These muffins are a vegan version of my Sneaky Chocolate Peanut Butter Muffins. Just like the original, butternut squash is the sneaky ingredient - all that nutrition but you can't tell it's there. The flavor is very much like a chocolate peanut butter cup. 

This time I used finely milled golden flax seed and water instead of eggs. They baked up a little differently than the egg version. Surprisingly to me, they took much longer to bake and look a little flatter than the original recipe - in fact they rose and then collapsed a bit but they taste nearly identical. Joe said he liked them better this way!

The muffins call for baking soda and apple cider vinegar which may sound funny.  The chemical reaction between them give the muffins those wonderful tiny bubbles and soft texture of regular flour baking.  If you’re Feingold Stage 1 you can substitute any approved white vinegar.

I really don't think they need the chocolate chips if you're out - they're plenty chocolaty as is.

Vegan Sneaky Chocolate Peanut Butter Muffins
Preheat oven to 375 and line muffin tins with 16 papers.

Mix together with stand mixer or food processor until creamy:

1 16 ounce jar all natural Peanut Butter
1 can 15 ounce Butternut Squash Puree (or two cups home cooked and pureed)
½ cup Cocoa Powder
1/3 cup Organic Cane Sugar
4 tablespoons Finely Milled Flax Seed (I used golden)
2/3 cup Water
1 teaspoon Vanilla
1 ½ teaspoons Baking Soda
1 teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar

Stir in:

1 cup miniature vegan Chocolate Chips (I used Enjoy Life)

Spoon evenly into 16 muffin tins and bake for approximately 25 minutes.  They will feel soft but not squishy and won’t get a browned crust at all.  Mine collapsed just a bit right before they were done. Let cool a few minutes before removing from tins - they'll firm as they cool.



  1. Did you save me one?!?!?! I would allow in a teensy bit of sugar for this treat. Wow they sound yummy- a whole jar of pb? YUM!

  2. I can't blame you for needing an Ev / O hug - they're so huggable!
    I hope that you don't mind, I just shared your link with a friend of mine who is primarily vegan and I think she'd love some of your recipes.
    Have a great rest of the week!

  3. It was my pleasure to save you one Laura!

    Mara, they are. In fact I got to sneak over yesterday for more hugs, puzzles and board games! Such a treat. And of course you can share my blog - thanks. Hope you have a great week, too. xoxo


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