Monday, November 26, 2012

November Gratitude - Day Twenty Six

Today Laura, Marie and I had lunch at Martin's Curry Rice.

It was Laura's first time at Martin's so Martin (seated with us at right) came out explained all the options of his make your own curry bowls, told Laura what was vegan and gave her samples of his amazing vegan and gluten free sauces to help her make her choices.

I love the fact that Martin is so aware of how to keep his gluten free customers safe and happy while offering both vegans and omnivores delicious choices. The prices are so reasonable, too.

How thankful I am to be able to share delicious food with the fellowship of these special ladies.

We ordered our meals and sat down in a big comfy booth.  Marie said our blessing and we started enjoying our meals.

Marie had one of the specials today. Look how patient she is with me making her stop eating to take a photo of her and her chicken tikka!

She enjoyed it and thought it reminded her of Brunswick Stew but with an Indian flair. =D

Laura and I each did a make your own curry bowl full of garbanzos and all sorts of fresh veggies - many are local from the Western Wake Farmer's Market. The veggie choices are amazing - there must have been two dozen to choose from. I chose half mild/half hot curry sauce for a really nice sweet/hot bowl.

I love the fact that Laura has so many interests and asks really great questions. She had some fun ones for Marie. I enjoyed watching them get to know each other's hearts and learning more about each of them myself.

It was also fun to visit with Martin before the restaurant got too crowded and hear about his plans for his food truck, the special cooking classes that have been going on there and some of his special dishes. He brought out little dishes of his Vegan Shepard's Pie for each of us to sample and wow was it good. The Indian spices in the sweet potato topping were perfect.  The mix of veggies were really flavorful. It is one of the specials he made for the Western Wake Farmer's Market.

We came back to my house for a quick cup of tea and something sweet before getting back to our days. Laura got to see several of Marc and Marie's wedding photos and there was more sweet fellowship that left me feeling completely blessed.

I made a vegan, gluten free dessert that didn't turn out quite as I hoped but turned out pretty good in the end. I made my usual Lara Bar type treat in the food processor but used Trader Joe's yummy almond butter instead of nuts. Hoping it would set up in the fridge I popped it in just before everyone arrived.  It was pretty gooey with our tea.  But I put in in the freezer, took Elle for a long walk and came back to delicious, healthy freezer fudge.

Chocolate Coconut Freezer Fudge

Prepare a small glass dish (5 x 7 inches) by sprinkling 2 tablespoons unsweetened Shredded Coconut evenly over the bottom of the pan.

In a food processor, combine:

6 large pitted Dates
6 tablespoons Raw Almond Butter
6 tablespoons Shredded Coconut, unsweetened
2 tablespoons Cocoa Powder
1/8 teaspoon Vanilla Bean Powder
1/8 teaspoon Sea Salt

Process until well mixed, I could have given mine an extra minute or roughly chopped the dates in advance.

Spoon mixture carefully over the coconut so it stays in place. You can see I could have been a little more careful.  Smooth top, cover and place in freezer for at least an hour. It will be firm but not hard.

Store in the freezer if there's any left.

Marie and Laura, doesn't this look better frozen?

I wrapped up a yellow stick for Marie and Laura.

This time of year my chapped, dry skin really need protection and I love to keep them handy.

Laura came in with two very different wine glasses each filled with passion fruit!

We actually have a passion fruit vine out front but it didn't have one piece of fruit on it this summer and I've never tasted one. I think Joe and I will enjoy them in a smoothie tomorrow.

I have a Pinterest idea for one of the wine glasses in particular...maybe later this week there will be a photo if it works out the way I'm hoping.

Sweet fellowship is something I am grateful for. Women who inspire me and love Jesus with all their hearts are a joy to be around.

That one of them is such a new friend that feels like an old friend is so fun.

That one of them is my new daughter in law is nothing less than a gift.

Having a flexible schedule to sneak out for  lunch is something I also am grateful for - it's a special break from the routine and fellowship that I cherish.

Laura's vegan review of Martin's Curry Rice and our day together is up now - check it out here!

Edited to add:

Martin's Curry Rice has closed, at least temporarily.


  1. Lovely post and that freezer fudge looks great!!


  2. What a fun luncheon! We feasted on good food, and good fellowship. The fudge was so yummy, the consistency was delectable and I might like it soft best now... I appreciate your friendship and the love and peace in your home. I will be back soon! :)
    I will try and get my review up tonight.

  3. you have so many wonderful friends-- and so much amazing fellowship in your life. that must be such a great feeling.

  4. Thanks Shirley & Laura!

    Gabby, you are the friend I see most often these days (except when you take your adorable kiddos and leave for Thanksgiving!) and I am so thankful for your friendship. Only a true friend would promise to make sure my blush is blended when I'm old and all those other things, too! =0



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