Thursday, August 15, 2013

Introducing Aiden Christopher!

This sweetest little boy was born last week to Marc and Marie. Since you have seen their wedding posts and had a short video on the gender reveal post it seems only right you get one here, too. Here he is the day after he was born. Thanks M&M for letting me share this sweet moment.

Marc and Marie have been blessed with a beautiful, healthy, happy and content baby. Marie had a short and natural labor and both baby and mom are doing really well. Of course I think Aiden looks very much like his daddy did as a baby but there's a lot of Marie's side in the mix, too. It's going to be so fun to watch him grow and change into the wonderful boy God intends him to be. Marc and Marie are already including him in their family devotions which melts his ChaCha to no end. I love you Aiden!


  1. awwwwwwwwwww.
    the sweetest.
    they are the most amazing little family!

  2. That black and white photo of him is stunning! And the video makes him look much older than an infant. Wow! Congrats to all of you! It will be such an awesome adventure to see him grow up! :-)


  3. He's precious! What a blessing he is and will be. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Ooooooh I loooooove him. He's already a blessing and perfectly precious.


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