Monday, August 19, 2013

Luce's Gluten Free Artisan Bread Mixes!

Saturday morning Joe and I headed out to the Gluten Free & Allergen Free Expo together. Our time was really limited and I wanted to make sure we checked out some new-to-us products.

The night before Chris and I had the pleasure of attending a blogger dinner at Bella Monica where we got to know some very interesting people. I want to than Pam Jordan of I'm A Celiac for including me. I hoped to introduce Joe to a couple of the people I'd met at the dinner, especially CPT Ben Adrasik.

In the coming days I will tell you about Moon Rabbit Foods, Stacie Moor of Nature's Radiance Healthy Cosmetics, This is Grub Water Kefir and CPT Ben Andrasik who has written the book Gluten Free in Afghanistan but tonight's post is all about Luce's Gluten Free Artisan Bread Mixes.

Joe and I nearly walked past Charles Luce and his table of artisan bread. We backed up and tried a sample and I was floored. The crust is chewy and the crumb is tender and it tastes like real bread. It's not just really good gluten free bread - it's really good bread period. We tried samples of each of his flavors - New Italian, Bold Buckwheat Premium, OMG Flatbread and Classic Sourdough. (That's the Classic Sourdough above, just minutes after I pulled it out of the oven.)

I purchased three bags of bread mix and I'm glad I did because it will hold us over until our first order arrives. Yes, I placed an order right after sampling our first loaf of bread - it's really that good.

What is really nice is that everything you need to bake a wonderful, crusty loaf of bread is in that bag. The baking flour, dusting flour (doesn't it give the crust a great, authentic look?), parchment, baking bag and precise, easy to follow instructions are all included.

All you have to do is measure one cup of warm water, mix it up, form it into a loaf, slide the loaf into the baking bag and let it rise a bit before baking. Charles has done all the work.

I was concerned it might be hard to slip the dough into the bag but the parchment support works perfectly.

The rice flour for dusting is perfectly measured and easy to sprinkle on.

The baking bag keeps just enough steam on the loaf for a perfect crust.

I love that the ingredients are simple and natural and while I do make my own flour mixes and bread I bake I just think this is a genius product and look forward to trying another flavor.

What I really look forward to is my French hubby getting to enjoy a crusty loaf of bread when he gets home. He can eat anything but chooses to eat gluten free at home to keep the rest of us safe. This is his kind of bread and can't wait for him to try it. I ordered the bulk mixes which lowers the price per loaf to about half making it really reasonable for a good loaf of gluten free bread.

Try it and if you do, please let me know how you like it!


  1. THIS is my absolute FAVORITE gluten-free bread in the whole world! When I first discovered Luce's bread a few years ago, I was scared to eat them because they looked SO much like REAL wheat-based bread!! However, now I buy those mixes in bulk and make his bread at LEAST once a week if not twice! I LOVE IT! IT's so tasty and so pretty!! Glad you are enjoying it too!

  2. By bulk, do you mean the multiples they list?

    This looks wonderful! I really hope to place an order. My kids could have garlic bread again.

  3. Carrie, the bulk ordering is awesome. I anticipate I'll be baking them at least a couple of times a week myself. I've used the artisan bread in five minutes technique with my own flour blend and love it but this is nearly instant!

    By the way, I'm so excited for you and another new book!!

    Leah, yes that's it. Joe and I inhaled the first loaf. It was just as great day two.

  4. I'm going to be doing the bulk ordering, too. While I love to make my own bread from scratch, sometimes you just need something easy (and amazing!) to keep on hand for tired days or when preparing for company.

  5. So true. It is such a treat to make something so quickly and easily that is so special. The cost of the bulk packages is really reasonable. I just ordered flour mixes and baking bags since I have flour and parchment. :-)

  6. For Christmas my mom got me two of these mixes to try. I can't believe I let them sit in the cupboard this long already! Going to try to find time to make one this week.

  7. It's been busy and I'm sure you've been a wee bit distracted. I hope you enjoy them. I buy them in the bulk packages now and do double batches in a covered casserole dish. I'll show you how if you ever want to know. Blessings.


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